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  1. To see a balanced, growing church full of God’s manifestation of the Word and edification of the body of Christ, with the aim of growing and empowering its congregation:
  • Spiritually
  • Physically
  • Financially
  1. To see a church that is committed to true worship and praise that is relevant in the season of God in our generation.
  2. To see an international church spread all over the world raising influential leaders who are focused to accomplish God’s purpose on Earth, and network with other churches of similar Vision and Mission both local and international.
  3. To see an international church with global touch preaching good news of the kingdom of God, as the Spirit of God enables. 
  4. To gauge denominational membership growth from our monthly church reports, a growing denomination should experience an increase in average congregational size. This simply is the total membership of the whole denomination divided by its number of churches.
  5. In our National Executive Council Meeting on 6th April, 2019, we agreed that the criteria to follow in recognition of a church branch would be as follow:
  • Below 20 members from 16 years of age and above, such would be a Preaching Point.
  • Above 20 members from 16 years of age and above, such would be Local Church.
  • Above 100 members from 16 years of age and above, such would be a growing church that needs 2 pastors.
  1. Again a growing denomination can also record its gains through the accumulation of new small growing churches without declining in average size.
  2. A drop in average size of congregations occurs when overall membership is lost. New churches are more a cause of growth than they are a symptom of growth itself.
  3. When individual churches make the effort to start new churches, they tend to grow and when they do not make the effort, they tend to decline.
  4. It is important to note that, new churches are not the only answer to denominational growth, yet they are important both as potential sources of some growth and as a barometer of other things that affect membership growth.

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Kenya Southern Baptist Convention is a Registered Church Organization whose Moderator is Bishop Dr Zaccheuse Mwangangi.
Our objective is to fulfill the great commission according to Matthew 28:19-20

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