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The Requirements of Admission and Assessment to Reverend’s Ordained Role
  • The payment of kshs. 5,000/= (five thousand only) as Commissioning and Admission fee to Commissioned Pastor’s Role and Reverends Kshs 16,000/- as Ordination fees above other expenses of the occasion.
  • An interview conducted by an established Panel.
  • Payment of all other fees Expenses i.e.- 
  • Sitting allowance for all the sittings of the Board with Amount ranging from Kshs. 500/= to Kshs. 2000/= depending on the number of candidates and issues involved. 
  • Provision of Transport and Food for all the Sittings involved in the processing and assessment of the Candidate.
  • Special Offering in an envelope during the commissioning day before the Declaration by the Officiating Minister. This offering is given the same time with the Congregation.
  • Hosting of Food and Refreshments to the Invited Guests during the Ceremony. 
  • Provision of a well tailored Robe for the occasion.
  • Certificates of Academic qualifications and more so on relevant church ministry Training (Theology and Church ministry). 
  • Must score above 75% as per Marking Score Card, in the areas of INTERVIEW on matters touching on, Physical Composure/Elders and Leaders Commendations/ Wife or Husband Commendations including Oral and Written submissions.
  • Two passport size photographs.
  • One Copy of Identity Card.
  • A recommendation Letter from your Senior Pastor.
  • Sign Commitment agreement and Code of Ethics/Etiquette.
  • Provide two files one for the office and the other for personal use in order to file the documents.
  • During the occasion to provide anointing oil enough for himself and wife
The Requirements and Assessment to Commissioned Pastor’s Role
  • The payment of kshs. 5000/= (five thousand only) Commissioning and Admission fee to Commissioned Pastor’s Role.
  • An interview conducted by an established Panel on Core Behavioral Questions for Pastoral Commissioned Candidates.
  • Payment of all Commissioning Expenses i.e.- 
  • Sitting allowance for all the sittings of the Board with Amount ranching from Kshs. 500/= to Kshs. 2000/= depending on the issues involved and Candidates being Assessed. 
  • Provision of Transport and Food for all the Sittings involved in the processing and assessment of the Candidate.
  • Special Offering in an envelope during the commissioning day before the Declaration by the Officiating Minister. This offering is given the same time with the Congregation and it is meant for the officiating minister.
  •  Hosting of Food and Refreshments to the Invited Guests during the Commissioning Ceremony. 
  • Provision of well tailored Robe and accompanying dress code for the occasion.
  • Certificates of Academic qualifications and more so on relevant church ministry Training (Theology and Church ministry). 
  • Must score above 75% as per Marking Scorecard, in the areas of INTERVIEW on matters touching on, Physical Composure/Elders and Leaders Commendations/ Wife or Husband Commendations including Pastor’s Oral and Written submissions.
  • Two passport size photographs.
  • One Copy of Identity Card.
  • A recommendation Letter from your Senior Pastor.
  • Sign Pastor’s Commitment and Commissioning
  • Provide two files one for the office and the other for personal use in order to file the documents.
  • During the occasion to provide anointing oil enough for him and wife.
Installation of Elders and Deacons
  • Elders and Deacons are both members of the Church and they are appointed from within the church to fulfill particular responsibilities.
  • The role of the Elder is not identical to that of the Deacon. They are separate roles with different responsibilities.
  • Before appointment and installation, Character, Competence and Conviction must be considered first.
Requirements Of Officiating Marriages
  • Church Certificate Kshs. 1000/-
  • All processes of consent followed
  • Government Marriage Certificate Kshs. 5000/-
  • Honorarium of officiating Minister Kshs. 10,000/- for Newlyweds, Kshs. 5000/- for formalization and Fuel depended on distance to be covered by the Officiating Minister.

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Kenya Southern Baptist Convention is a Registered Church Organization whose Moderator is Bishop Dr Zaccheuse Mwangangi.
Our objective is to fulfill the great commission according to Matthew 28:19-20

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