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As part of our mission statement, we exist to reach out to the unreached, outcast in our society; the lost, those in need of spiritual nourishment and those in distress in order to build them into an army able to conquer the devil and expand the Kingdom of God through Evangelism, Discipleship, Christian Education, Fellowship, Stewardship, Benevolence, Social Ministries and Missions in obedience to the great commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Why the church was founded

It is after BCOK confiscated the funds and after much praying seeking God’s divine direction that, God gave me a vision to establish a denomination that will focus its ministries to the promotion of Evangelism, Discipleship, Christian Education, Fellowship, Stewardship, Benevolence, Social Ministries and Missions without limitations.

Due to the many types of fallout churches and ministries, God wanted us to give consideration to those experiencing frustrations in their exercise of worship and the execution of their ministry calling.

Because of our staunch recognition and respect to local church autonomy, congregational church government freedoms and our unity as family, we have experienced great strides as we share in common “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in us all” (Eph. 4:5-6).   

We Create a Peaceful World.
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Kenya Southern Baptist Convention is a Registered Church Organization whose Moderator is Bishop Dr Zaccheuse Mwangangi.
Our objective is to fulfill the great commission according to Matthew 28:19-20

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