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  1. A stronghold of Jezebel – Rev. 2:20-26 (“To him who overcomes…) 
  2. “The Spirit of Jezebel” – Who was Jezebel? Daughter of Ethbaal, king of Phoenicia. He was a Canaanite High Priest who ascended to the throne through intrigue and violence and who then made his daughter High priestess.
  3. 1 Kings 16:31 – Caused her husband and king, Ahab, to serve Baal i.e. The Spirit of Jezebel seduces church leaders and husbands and attempts to cause them to turn away from God. She uses sex and violence to achieve her ends. 
  4. 1 Kings 18:4 – She killed the Lord’s prophets i.e. she attacked the Scriptures and the prophetic word. 
  5. 1 Kings 18:19 – She installed her own prophets i.e. She introduces false doctrines and religious systems. 
  6. 1 Kings 21:1-16 – She usurped the role of head of family and nation i.e. she seeks to bring about role reversal in church and home. Note that homosexuality is an extreme role reversal and that the feminist movement also seeks to up-end the Biblical headship model. 
  7. 2 Kings 9:30 – She practices sexual seduction i.e. She tries to seduce church leaders and husbands. Note the fall of the T.V Evangelists and the high rate of divorce and adultery in the nations. Refer to Rev 2:20 for further insights. 
  8. The Main Features Of The Jezebel Spirit: It is a dominant spirit. This spirit uses another person to dominate leaders and therefore churches and nations. It makes “Ahabs” out of the leaders. 
  9. It is a violent spirit. This spirit will destroy anyone to have its way. 
  10. It is a spirit of sexual immorality. This spirit uses homosexuality, lesbianism, prostitution, pornography and any other sexual disorder to reverse the Biblical headship model. 
  11. It is a spirit of idolatry. This spirit will introduce false doctrines and religious systems to keep her victims away from experiencing God in His fullness. 
  12. It is a spirit of seduction. This spirit is out to reverse God’s divine order. She controls the feminist movement and also undermines the divine leadership role of the husband. 
  13. It is a witchcraft spirit. She will use counterfeit gifts to infiltrate the church. I.e. Prophecy (fortune-telling); always submit personal prophecies to your oversight.

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Kenya Southern Baptist Convention is a Registered Church Organization whose Moderator is Bishop Dr Zaccheuse Mwangangi.
Our objective is to fulfill the great commission according to Matthew 28:19-20

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